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Palmistry: How to Chart the Lines of Your Life, by Roz Levine
PDF Ebook Palmistry: How to Chart the Lines of Your Life, by Roz Levine
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About the Author
Roz Levine has been a professional palmist and astrologer for twelve years. As a counselor involved in alternative therapies, she focuses on health matters and on encouraging the latent potential in each of her clients. She lives in Brighton, England.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 The Hand As A Canvas Your unique and individual character is mirrored on your hands. Imagine the hands as a canvas, the lines and features upon them as the paint that colours all the hues and tones of your personality and predispositions. The picture, however, is likely to change in time. You can alter the lines upon your palm. With will and effort, you can be the designer and artist creating the picture of your own destiny. Your metaphorical box of paints is likely to include some colours you never thought of using before. If we link the idea of colour to ways of thinking and being, we may realize that we have so often been using greys and flat, dull tones, whilst forgetting to dip into the brighter, positive shades of hope and love. When these colours are unused, they become dry and cracked, but remain in your paintbox. So use them to colour your life in the best way you can. The following pages will reveal how the i shape of the hands, fingers and the contours of the palm constitute the framework of your personality. The Language of Hands When you are trying to discover the personality of someone you have just met or do not know, how often do you find yourself looking at his or her hands? You may not even do this consciously, but the way in which people use their hands will be telling you much about the personality of the owners. In many ways, the hands can reveal more about someone than the face, especially when it comes to first impressions. We can change our facial expressions, 'put on a brave face', smile with just our mouth but not with our eyes, etc. Make-up can make people look very different and many people succumb to the plastic surgeon's scalpel. Hands, however, have a language of their own that is less easy to manipulate. When people are carefully controlling their facial and verbal expressions, their hands are often telling quite a different story. Gesticulations can therefore be very revealing. Think of how the hands are used to demonstrate so many feelings: drumming fingers in impatience, making fists in anger and pointing the forefinger in aggression or accusation. Biting, picking or clicking the nails, cracking the knuckles and other fidgety habits usually suggest a nervous disposition or a habit stemming from childhood that is difficult to break. Effeminate men often affect a limp wrist and women tend to have looser and more flexible wrists than men. Look at the hands of tiny babies: even at this early stage in life, individual gesticulation patterns are established. In business, we set great store by the handshake: if it is firm, we interpret it as a good, decisive sign, while a weak handshake is taken as an indication of a vacillating, unassertive nature. Remember, however, that a finn handshake can be faked. There are far more subtle ways to find out the way another person is thinking. Supposing you are discussing a business arrangement with someone and notice that the thumbs are held inwards, towards the palm. This suggests that the other person is not revealing feelings of annoyance and may also be secretive. A more positive sign is rubbing the fingertips together, especially those of the thumb and the little finger, which occurs when trying to generate the flow of ideas. Ring-twisting shows convoluted thinking. Placing the ring finger under the middle one can mean that financial issues are not being openly revealed. Hand gestures are also used to insult others. In some countries it is rude to point the index and middle fingers up at someone, forming the 'V' sign. The origins of this insult are interesting. When the longbow was used in battles, these two fingers drew the bow, and soldiers had them cut off when they were taken prisoner. For this reason, the fingers were often pointed at the enemy in a victorious, jeering gesture. The fingers rings are worn upon can also be revealing. In old paintings of important people, rings tend to be worn on the index finger, the finger of power and ambition. Gay people often adorn their little fingers with a ring. A ring chosen to fit the middle finger can link with a slight psychological quirk or problem. Making a fist is obviously aggressive and reveals tension. Rubbing hands together usually signals pleasant anticipation. As you can see, there are many ways in which our hands express what we think or feel. Open and Closed Hands When you look at hands placed upon a flat surface, it is interesting to note how the owner holds them. Some people naturally allow their fingers to splay open; this literally shows that the overall personality is also likely to be open and that the person is receptive to having his or her hands examined. If the fingers are naturally held close together, the opposite applies and the owner may not be as keen to be scrutinized. Open hands often have spaces between the fingers at their roots where they join onto the palm. You can see the spaces more easily if the fingers are held together and the hand is held up to the light. This means that the person not only has an open nature, but is also generous and friendly, often gregarious, sometimes a little vulnerable and will usually be open to new ideas and experiences. If the fingers bend back easily away from the palm under slight pressure, then the above attributes will be marked and there will also be adaptability. If there are no spaces between the fingers, the owner may be rather good at holding on to what he or she has, in all senses. On the closed hand if the fingers do not yield to slight pressure when bent away from the palm, but naturally turn inwards towards the palm, it reveals a personality that is far less spontaneous, gregarious and willing to reach out for new experiences than the openhanded type. Inflexible fingers reveal a tendency to resist change: the owner will wish to hang on to things and people that are familiar, adhering to crystallized patterns of existence. Such a person will always need a certain amount of time to adjust to any new phase in life. Hand Size The size of the hands can also be extremely revealing. It does not necessarily follow that a large person will have big hands, or that a small person will have little ones. To judge whether hands are big or small, they must be considered in relation to overall body size. Big hands generally belong to people who are good at handling detailed and even intricate activities. A brain surgeon would be likely to have such hands. Small-handed people do not generally take to things that require detailed thought or intricate actions as they tend to apply themselves to matters in hand in a quick and sometimes more intuitive way. The natural impatience of people with small hands is exacerbated if the fingers are short. If the nails are naturally short as well, then the lack of patience could be a real problem. Small hands often belong to people who are good at organizing and handling things on a large scale. Very dynamic, high achievers with the ability to direct others will usually have hands that are small in relation to their overall body size. Small hands tend to be warm to the touch, whilst long, big, bony hands are often cool. In some ways, this can be seen as a reflection of the two temperaments. Small, neat hands found on a person with a large, tall body can denote great dexterity in handling many activities and can create good co-ordination. As a rule, owners of broad hands need a feeling of physical freedom and space (see The Outdoor Type, pages 62-63). Those with narrow palms, however, are usually happy with much more indoor, static lifestyles, and can be good at jobs that require a lot of desk work. The Right and Left hands Are you right-handed or left-handed? This is the first thing you need to ask when you examine someone's hands. The two hands have a different significance. Physically, they usually vary too, in the shape of the fingers and especially in the lines, although some people's right and left hands are virtually the same. Always begin a reading by asking the person whose hands you are looking at whether he or she is right-handed or left-handed. Some people are ambidextrous in many ways, in which case it will be the hand used for writing that shall be regarded as the 'right 'hand. The 'left' hand shows the basic personality and predispositions as well as past and current events. The 'right' hand shows how the basic personality has changed or is likely to develop and indicates future events. When you are reading the hands of a left-handed person, you will regard the right hand as the basic one, reflecting the present and past events, and the left as the hand linked with the future. The two hands illustrated (above) have very different fingers. The index finger is much shorter on the left hand than on the right. As this finger tells us a lot about a person's feelings of confidence and adequacy, this person would have suffered from a lack of confidence, especially early in life, but will grow into far more self-certainty. Note also that the left hand shows a small and weak-looking ring finger, whilst the right hand shows the finger as stronger, no longer rather dwarfed by the middle finger. The owner of such hands would have problems with being positive and discovering creative energies; but as time goes by these qualities will develop. There are no hard-and-fast rules about how long our fingers should be as our hands are all unique. Usually, however, the index and ring fingers are about the same length, their tips ending halfway up the top section or phalange of the middle finger; the little finger should end at the crease of the ring finger's top phalange. As you read on, you will learn about the lines of the palm and their meanings and see just how different lines can be on each hand. Whenever there is a marked difference, you will know that the owner of the hands has changed, or will adapt, a great deal in the course of his or her lifetime. Significance of Shape There are six basic hand shapes and each reveals a great deal about the personality of the owner. It can be easy to assess the shape of the hands from a distance, so once you understand their meanings you will find yourself looking at the hands of people wherever you go. The hand shapes explained here are archetypal, in that they are very defined types. As you look at more hands, you will find some that obviously belong to one category or another and others that are a mixture of shapes, such as a square palm with spatulate fingers. Sometimes fingers differ from each other on the same hand. If each finger is different, there will be great versatility, sometimes too much, rendering focus and defined direction difficult to achieve. When you look at the shapes of hands and fingers, do take into account the age of the subject. Older peoples' hands often have distorted bones due to arthritic or rheumatic tendencies, which can become stiffer as the owner ages. The philosophic hand is a slightly more unusual shape than the five other basic types. It is long, bony and angular with knotty fingers. People with such hands are often interested in religious, literary or occult matters, or other areas that benefit from serious or analytical thinking. They are difficult for others to understand and can be withdrawn. If the finger joints are very knotty, an aptitude for deep, analytical thought will be amplified. The elementary hand often has few lines on its palm. When this is the case, the rather basic, instinctive nature will be even more simplistic. Pointed and conic hands often have many lines upon them, but if they do not, then the nervous tendencies associated with these hands shall be more earthed and the owner will be able to handle life more calmly. Square hands can benefit from a rather lined palm, in that the need for conformity is given some leeway and freedom. The owner of a very lined spatulate hand can be over-active and find relaxation difficult. Reading the fFingers In palmistry, each finger has its own characteristic, which can be very revealing about personality. Each finger is named after a planet. The illustration (below left) shows the relevant planetary symbol on each finger. The first, or index finger, is called Jupiter. It is associated with self-confidence, ambition, a positive attitude to life and sometimes with religion. The second, or middle finger, is called Saturn and is the finger of responsibility, seriousness and balance. It serves as a dividing line between our external personality and our inner world. The ring, or third finger is called the Sun and corresponds with our creative feelings and urges, though not necessarily in the artistic sense. This finger can also reveal one's capacity for happiness. The little finger is called Mercury. It is linked to mental ability and communicative skills and, to some extent, attitudes towards sexual matters. Finger Types There are four main finger shapes or types of finger. Square fingers reveal a practical, conventional, sensible and well-organized disposition. If the fingertips are uniformly square, there will be a strong sense of order, a realistic approach to life and a love of punctuality. People with pointed fingers are extremely sensitive, often quite impractical and can be rather difficult for more realistic and worldly types to understand. If all the fingers are pointed and their tips are long, there will be a dreamy, unrealistic and often over-idealistic attitude. Beauty will be important and reality will often be difficult to come to terms with. Conic, or round fingers, belong to quick, intuitive people. Such types can be impressionable and therefore vulnerable. Sympathetic, spontaneous and easily moved, conic-fingered folk can sometimes be inconsistent in their emotional responses to others. Spatulate fingers belong to active, original, energetic people who possess enterprise and a sense of adventure. The enthusiasm generated by a person with spatulate fingers can affect other people positively. Thumbs There are two main types of thumb: the supple-jointed and the firm-jointed. The more supple the thumb, the easier it will bend outwards and backwards away from the hand. When supple and flexible it donates a person with a flexible disposition and a broad mind who can sometimes be unconventional. This person will tend not to be too opinionated and will therefore be receptive to new ideas. The owner of such will hate discord and always try to avoid aggressive situations. There can be a generous nature, exhibited not only in material ways, but also in a generosity of spirit. Humanitarian attitudes can be another attribute of the flexible-thumbed type, as can frankness and honesty. If the thumb is very flexible, an impulsive response to life is likely. The only negative aspect of this type of personality is that there can also be a tendency to promise more than can be delivered in an effort to please others, which may need to be held in check sometimes to avoid disappointing people and appearing unreliable. The stiff, firm thumb shows a resistant character: the less it yields and bends backwards under pressure, the more resilient and stubborn will be the nature of its owner, who is not as friendly and forthcoming as the flexible type. People with stiff thumbs can have strong opinions and be very determined. They usually need time to consider everything as they lack spontaneity. If the thumb is rigid and held very close to the hand, an antagonistic, argumentative nature is indicated, sometimes with dogmatic, inflexible ideas and opinions and a lack of tolerance. This type of person will need patient, understanding friends. With encouragement, even those with the most inflexible thumbs can be helped to 'loosen up'. Such a change in attitude can sometimes, in time, be reflected in a slight change in the thumb itself. The top phalange of the thumb relates to the will; the lower section relates to reason and logic. The longest of the two will have the greater influence in the personality. Flexibility is, once again, an excellent sign in the case of either or both phalanges. If the lower section feels looser and more flexible than the top, the owner will be better at adapting to circumstances. Reasoning power will be used to adjust to situations and the need to adapt to people will be a secondary consideration. If this is reversed, with a more flexible top section, overt wilfulness will be modified. When the centre of the thumb, between the top and middle areas, has a defined 'waist', or noticeably thinner part, it reveals a propensity for tact and diplomacy in putting things across to others. This is generally an excellent sign, bringing qualities that are useful in so many areas of life. If the thumb has no waist whatsoever, it reveals a certain lack of tact but the ability to use argument and reasoning power to make a point. People with straight thumbs can sometimes be rather pedantic, with a determination to be in the right, whatever issue is under discussion. This is, however, a stubborn, rather than aggressive trait. The shorter the thumb -- in relation to the hand as a whole -- the less reasoning ability there will generally be. If the thumb is very short, it can indicate a definite lack of control over the passions and emotions. This is especially applicable to stiff, unyielding thumbs. A long thumb, conversely, reveals a more diplomatic personality. Comparing Fingers Many fingers are not totally straight, but lean towards a neighbouring finger to the left or right. This can reveal further aspects of the personality. Straight fingers, which do not lean to left or right (see top right), indicate that the quality associated with each one will be clearly defined in the personality. The owner of a straight Finger of Jupiter, for example, will have much self-confidence (see Reading the Fingers, pages 14-15). The Finger of Mercury is concerned with communication. If it leans away from the other fingers (see middle right), the owner is likely to have, at least, an independent way of thinking. Sometimes it can bring awkwardness and even an uncooperative attitude. This finger is also linked closely to sexuality; if it is very isolated from the others, the owner may tend to find some difficulty in self-expression in close interactions, which can aggravate existing conflicts. The straighter the Finger of Mercury, the more straightforward will be the thinking. When it bends inwards towards the Finger of the Sun (see bottom left), the owner may be inclined not always to tell the truth and may, in a child-like way, tell white lies or even 'grey' ones. If the Finger of the Sun leans towards the Finger of Saturn this indicates a conflict between responsibility and seriousness and the need for light-heartedness and happiness. Sometimes, and especially if the Finger of the Sun is short in relation to the Finger of Saturn, there can even be guilt feelings, which can cast a shadow over the sunnier side of the personality. At worst, there can be a depressive tendency, but other factors reduce or amplify such a trait (see Depression and Anxiety, pages 110-111). The Finger of Jupiter leaning towards its neighbour, Saturn (see bottom right), means that there will be a strong desire to acquire possessions. This may not be greed, but linked to actual needs that create anxiety over material concerns. This can sometimes mean that the owner of such a palm is untrustworthy to a certain extent. Such a tendency will not be marked unless other factors reinforce it, such as a Finger of Mercury bending inwards towards the Finger of the Sun. The way in which the hand is held will help to clarify whether it is need or greed that promotes acquisitiveness. If the hand tends to curl forward into itself, the urge to have and to hold on to things will be strong. If the hand is of the open sort, however, especially when there are spaces between the fingers at their roots, then any greediness will not be strongly felt; although there may be an acquisitive tendency, there will be some generosity too. When reading someone's palm, remember that the straighter the fingers the better, although the tendencies revealed by fingers that lean to the left or right may not always be pronounced or constitute a real problem. The Landscape of Mounts The palm is like a landscape covered in hills and valleys. The highest areas are called mounts and each one, like the fingers, is named after a planet. The Mount of Venus is the fleshy area below the thumb. The higher this mount, the more capacity for love there will be. If the hand as a whole is very fleshy and stubby then this trait can degenerate into selfgratifying passion, People with a reasonably full Mount of Venus often have a love of nature, food, drink and good times generally. They tend to have good taste and love pleasing others with the fruits of the earth to generate warmth and pleasure. A flat Mount of Venus can indicate that the affections may function more on the mental or spiritual planes than the physical. The Mount of the Moon is linked to the imagination, idealism, romance and travel. If it is very developed, the owner will be capable of sympathy, as this mount strongly connects the individual to other people's needs. Sometimes a very full mount can indicate an over-emotional attitude, which means that the owner is unable to see reason easily. Sometimes a full Mount of the Moon corresponds with strong religious views and practices. When the Mount of Jupiter is developed, there will be a need to be in charge of one's own affairs as much as possible. A very developed Mount of Saturn k shows a rather heavy and even sombre nature, with a tendency to take things too seriously. A flat or virtually non-existent Mount of Saturn denotes someone with a frivolous nature who never takes anything too seriously. A large Mount of the Sun denotes a need to be in the limelight. It is generally considered better to have a large rather than small Mount of the Sun: although it can indicate a rather bumptious disposition, at heart there can be love, joy, warmth, loyalty and largess. The Mount of Mercury, when developed, brings eloquence, mental dexterity and plenty of ideas. If it is very full, there shall be an abundance of mental energy. There are three Mounts of Mars. If the mount nearest the thumb is the most developed, it will increase energies, sometimes to the point of pugilism. The central mount should feel bouncy showing that the inner energies and powers of resistance are generating well. If this area is soft and malleable, energies can be below par. When the mount at the outer edge of the hand is developed, it can correspond to a restless inner state or mental aggression. On some palms, two mounts will merge. The creative Mount of the Sun merging with the innovative Mount of Mercury, for example, can inspire creative ideas. The Three Worlds The palm can be divided into three areas, which correspond with the three main aspects of being. This division has been known as the 'three worlds' of the hand since ancient times. The longest section discloses a great deal about the fundamental disposition and likely response to life. The three sections of the fingers are also very revealing. The Palm's Three Sections The upper area of the palm is linked to the the mind, spirit and one's ideals and aspirations. This section includes the fingers and the area where they join the palm. When is the longest, intellectual and spiritual interests will be the major motivating forces in life. The middle area of the hand starts where the fingers join the palm and ends at the lower sections of the Mounts of Mars. Connected with the practical, 'here-and-now' world, it reveals an ability to be effective in practical ways. The lowest section of the palm begins below the Mounts of Mars and runs to the bottom of the hand. It is associated with our basic desires and urges. If this area is the longest, our instincts will tend to be our main motivating factors. Physical energies are usually in good supply. Reading the Phalanges The fingers are divided by their joints into three sections, called phalanges. Like the three areas of the hand, the top phalange is linked to the mind and spirit, the middle with practical matters and the lowest with our basic needs and urges. If the characteristics of each finger (see pages 14-15) are taken into consideration when examining the phalanges, further fascinating aspects of the personality can be discovered. The Meanings of the Longest Phalanges The Finger of Jupiter Top: pride, dignity and a sometimes contemplative nature. Middle: ambition and business ability. Bottom: a desire to rule; a lack of refinement. The Finger of Saturn Top: studious and superstitious tendencies. Middle: a talent for investigative work. Bottom: financial aptitude; materialism. The Finger of the Sun Top: poetic ability. Middle: strong business interests. Bottom: bad or ostentatious tastes. The Finger of Mercury Top: good communicative ability. Middle: a talent for practical communications. Bottom: abilities in business and commerce. Nail Shapes The finger-nails, like the fingers, reveal a lot about personality. They are also a valuable means of spotting health problems, which will be revealed in Chapter Five. There are many different nail shapes, which are classified into basic types. It is unusual to find a hand with the same type of nail on every finger, but when they are all uniform, the characteristic associated with the nail type will be a strong factor in the personality. Different nail types on one hand reveal a personality that has a variety of influences working on it. When the nails are square, there may be problems with self-control, especially if the nails are also very pink. Feelings of anger or frustration will be difficult to keep in check. The owner of paler nails, however, will tend not to have such a quickly impassioned response. Sometimes square nails are naturally extremely short. They are often found on the hands of people who lack diplomatic skills and are unable to see things from anyone else's point of view. This type will often doggedly stick to some petty idea or belief. Trying to argue a point with them or suggest a different and perhaps more reasonable way of seeing things is useless. They are stubborn, with a limited perspective and a very short fuse. Sometimes they can be unreasonably jealous in sexual matters. Tact and diplomacy will also be absent when naturally short nails are found on hands with short upper phalanges. This type of person is likely to be impatient, to respond instinctively to life and others, to be very critical and to jump to conclusions. If the hand as a whole is short, stubby and thickset, a bad temper is likely. This will be even more marked if the palm is red or has very red lines upon it. Sometimes this type also has a defensive attitude. If, however, the fingernails are short, but the top phalanges of the fingers are long, the above traits will he modified, and an element of thought and reason will serve to lend some control and tact. In effect, the breadth of the nails is a channel of energy. Wide nails will therefore tend to generate more energy than narrow nails. Text copyright © Roz Levine 1992
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Product details
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Touchstone (January 1, 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 067178501X
ISBN-13: 978-0671785017
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.5 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
22 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#403,485 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I bought this book because a friend recommended it to me. It is hard to interpret and no matter how many times I've looked at it or read it, I still feel like the only 3 lines I can for sure read are my life, head, and heart. The images are very basic with a hand outline and the colored lines drawn on to that outline. It teaches you the basics (i.e. finger names, mounts, and basic lines) but pretty much ends there. I've had it for about 1 year now, looked at it a several times, and have decided to invest in either a class or a couple of different books. There is no way one could accurately read some body from this book.
Color coded lines are great. Lots of illustrations. The chapter system, however is not intuitive, and you will have to hunt to find specific lines.
Great! Thank you
Great reference book! Loaded with easy to find, helpful information.
If you are practitioner of the occult or are into Wicca and other oddities or just plain curious as I was, than this book is for you. Well versed on the subject of palmistry.
her grandmother did palm readings and she wanted to learn about it, this book explained things easily and helped her learn how to do it herself.
Perfect condition, completely unmarked. Very satisfied.
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Product details
Paperback: 82 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 9, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1974438600
ISBN-13: 978-1974438600
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.1 out of 5 stars
5 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#981,166 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Some pages are spelled wrong and wish there was more of a variety behind the adult swear words. Backs are kinda bland.
There were typos
This book is so hilarious, I just love it!All the drawings are very creative and of a great quality. I am extremely impressed! This is the best stress reliever for me now!!!
Funny thoughts n wording but I didn't care for font or design
Lots of fun to color!
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) PDF
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) EPub
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) Doc
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Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) Kindle
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) PDF
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) PDF
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) PDF
Calm the Fuck Down. Swear Word Coloring Book: 40 Sweary Beautiful Designs. Color Your Stress Away. Relaxing Coloring Book with Sweary Coloring Book for Fun ( Adult Coloring Books ) PDF
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Product details
File Size: 1171 KB
Print Length: 92 pages
Publication Date: March 14, 2019
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#114,311 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I was interested in the Medical Medium Liver Rescue by Anthony William. When I saw there was a Summary of the book published, I thought that might be a good option to get the important information in a short amount of time. While this Summary has a disclaimer that this is not authorized by the author, this was like reading something from a 5th grader. Ultimately, I got no helpful information that was much more than common sense. I'd return it, but not worth the trouble. Just buy the original book.
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