Download The Dynamics of Transformation: Tracing an Emerging World View, by Grant Maxwell
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The Dynamics of Transformation: Tracing an Emerging World View, by Grant Maxwell
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Product details
Paperback: 214 pages
Publisher: Persistent Press (January 2, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692810358
ISBN-13: 978-0692810354
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
21 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#106,803 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Grant Maxwell is a seer, this is a work of genius and the most important book I have read in a long time. It helped me understand many things about myself and, significantly, about the world we live in. I have been perpetually consumed with politics, as many of us have since the election. I was stumped with the concern: how can half of the people want someone who is going to actually solve their problems saying, for example, I will raise the minimum-wage, I will protect the environment. And the other half of the people preferred someone who said: I am the only one who can solve your problems, evoking omnipotence. Maxwell frames the modern world in terms of modes of consciousness, two of which are the mythological and the rational (to paraphrase) and when you look at it this way, our American (and global) zeitgeist becomes much more of a work in progress. People have tried to tell me that I need to understand the other political side, but it is in reading this book that I really began to understand where that process begins. Also, to consider the limitations of the modern point of view; the sterility of a disenchanted world.And, what is so visionary and important is that Maxwell begins to suggest where we are all headed; what type of mentality might come next, and whether both the mythological, rational and other orientations might not only need each other but need to transcend themselves into a new paradigm, which he also suggests. He gets across visceral and essentials truths about our world, and the content of the perceptual "modern" paradigm that we take for granted..As for what resonated with me personally--I take it to the political yet this is not primarily a book about politics--but is about so much more As hard as things are these days, this book, out in 2017, gives me great hope for what's to come.Though Maxwell traces the roots of his ideas to Jung, James, Whitehead, Tarnas and others, I really don't know how he came up with all of this in quite the way he did. As you may gather from my review, I'm grateful... Suffice to say that when a writer as brilliant as Maxwell tackles these complex aspects of the human condition, it is a literary moment to be cherished.
The first principle underlying The Dynamics of Transformation is that we are living in an epochal age of great changes. Whether or not the reader believes this, we do seem to be living in a period of major upheavals and disruptions in politics, the economy, human relationships, technology, spirituality and other areas. Even if you believe we are seeing the swinging of a pendulum that will return to more traditional values and principles, you have to recognize that a broad part of the population does believe we are in a time of major changes, so it’s helpful and interesting to understand those who do see ongoing trends, rather than self-limiting cycles.You may see the trends of change we’re experiencing as largely positive, or largely negative. You may be encouraged to resist many of these changes, or you may be embracing them and want to hasten their arrival. You may be an optimist or a pessimist.Regardless of your perspective, I don’t think you will find a better guide for our times than Grant Maxwell, in this book. He is an intellectual mapmaker. No matter where you see us headed as a species or a culture and no matter where you would like to see us go, I think Maxwell lays out the territory and underlying concepts better than anyone.The book covers a number of areas, or streams as Maxwell calls them, and does so with a detail that is useful without overwhelming the reader. It’s not an easy read as befits a book of big ideas but it’s clearly written. Important and new ideas, or ones presented in new ways and relationships, require effort on the part of the reader, but you will be richly rewarded as you weave these ideas into your own thinking and experiences. The Dynamics of Transformation is a rare bargain as it bears and rewards reading and rereading. I see myself coming back to it again and again. The book contains thinkers that I had discovered and explored already, Carl Jung and Alfred North Whitehead, and re-introduced ones I’d initially explored but been distracted away from, such as Jean Gebser and Thomas Nagel.Maxwell sees a number of pieces of the puzzle such as “Hegel’s idealism, William James’ pragmatism, Jung’s analytical psychology, Whitehead’s process philosophy†and others, combining to form at least part of the picture. Whitehead’s philosophy of process seems to be central and appropriately makes it easier to see this all from a higher viewpoint that can accept a large number of inputs and factors. Maxwell does focus our attention on what he sees now as the most important factors that both define and help shape our present evolution, and what he sees as an emerging mode and worldview.Emergence is perhaps the primary operative concept throughout the book. If Maxwell is right, and I think he is, we are witnessing the birth of a new stage of human consciousness. We cannot know where this will take us, and we can be sure that we are in for more surprises and revolutionary changes than we can imagine. Trying to forecast the details is fun and interesting, but it’s too soon to write any book tied to such concrete predictions. This book sticks to the big picture, and we are all free to speculate further on the future details. I expect Maxwell will do just that as he explores and develops these ideas further in subsequent books. Maxwell is a young and vital philosopher, so reading this book could be the equivalent of discovering the Beatles just after they left Hamburg.The Dynamics of Transformation is a kind of forecast of the future, but one that remains rigorous and cautious in the specifics of its predictions, but bold in its scholarship. It sets out the territory and the factors that are working on us as individuals, as members of cultures - really nested and overlapping subcultures, and as members of the species.One of the greatest challenges of making predictions is balancing reasonableness and speculation. A conservative prediction of change along established trajectories is likely to be fairly accurate, at least in the short run, but not very interesting or useful in the long run. Predicting more of the same is hardly earth-shattering. Highly speculative predictions will be much more interesting, but too many people will disregard them, limiting their usefulness in the present by not being taken seriously. As a dedicated philosopher, Maxwell sidesteps these challenges by concentrating on the concepts and perspectives behind and encompassing our time.The book moves from more firmly established ideas to more speculative ones, but all of them have solid reasons to be seriously considered. There are twelve chapters, each devoted to a concept, not so much to convince us of their validity, but to give us the basis of our own understanding, as well as their relationships to each other. Maxwell himself explicitly makes this point, underlying his respect for the reader. He is a scholar and a teacher, and one who wants to inspire and guide rather than dictate and direct.This is not so much a book of conclusions, but a book of premises. It is not trying to be the last word but is seeking to begin to define our period of evolution. It provides a solid foundation for understanding our present as well as our future, as the process of human evolution unfolds.The subjects of the chapters are:1. “World Views Create Worldsâ€: The Participatory Quality of Process2. “The Circle of the Givenâ€: Novelty and the Will to Believe3. “The Reconciling Thirdâ€: An Integrative Method4. “Jumps of All Sortsâ€: The Discontinuity of Process5. “A Series of Stagesâ€: Development Through Emergent Phases6. “An Extraordinary Thresholdâ€: The Emergence of a New World View7. “Symmetry across Scaleâ€: The Fractal Quality of Process8. “A Potentiality for Actual Entitiesâ€: Forms, Archetypes and Eternal Objects9. “A Falling Together in Timeâ€: Qualitative Temporality and Formal Causation10. “The Teleological Introduction of Noveltyâ€: Final Causation11. “An Exponentially Accelerating Processâ€: The Increasing Ingression of Novelty12. “The Concretion of Timeâ€: Progressive Degrees of Spatial-Temporal FreedomAnd an epilogue, “A Third Copernican Revolutionâ€: Archetypal CosmologyThis may seem like a daunting outline of a book and it’s not to be taken lightly, but we are given a solid understanding of the nature and importance of these concepts and how they are related to each other and to our emerging evolutionary path. The book is both scholarly and practical, and very accessible.Previous periods of significant jumps in human evolution have shared features and forces working to mold them so we can learn a lot by glancing at those periods in the rear-view mirror, while coming to appreciate how those forces may be mutating and changing themselves in shaping our future. In the fifties the future seemed to be full of flying cars, robots, and television. We don’t have quite that world envisioned, but we are living in a world increasingly shaped by advances in travel, communication, and technology, but beyond that, we are shaped by ideas and concepts, and Maxwell concentrates on those in the context of past revolutionary periods such as the Axial Age and the Enlightenment.The book refuses to get caught up in the more superficial aspects of our future as it delves into the intellectual and emotional foundations of human change and evolution operating now. It looks backward, and it looks forward, but always deeply and broadly. The Dynamics of Transformation embraces, explores and integrates more than a few important thinkers, some of whom are well known, and others, less well known and just as important. These thinkers had overlapping interests and ideas, as they often directly influenced each other, and indirectly, as part of this process. Maxwell looks at important figures from the past such as Nietzsche and William James and those of the present, Charles Taylor and Richard Tarnas. He concentrates on the present and the more recent past as being more useful for the present ages I think, and of course the broad range of thinkers he does address are themselves products of much earlier thinkers. The book tackles an enormously broad and deep topic and wisely the concepts are kept manageable without doing any disservice to the subjects at hand and the overall thrust of the book. Maxwell uses language that is precise and requires work to unpack, but clarity is first and foremost.Human evolution as we experience it now, is an evolution of consciousness and culture, and is really a process of integration. We are absorbing and building on previous stages, with new ideas, new technology, new relationships, and new histories and experiences. You can’t know how the cake is going to taste until you take it out of the oven and cut yourself a slice, especially if you’re using new ingredients and techniques. Maxwell has given us the best overview of the ingredients and processes that he sees operating in our world. He avoids making any firm predictions for the timing or the experiences of the final result, and of course our human evolution is an ongoing process. But I predict that in the not too distant future, this book will be recognized for its wisdom and power in helping us all navigate and understand this human journey we are all on.I read this book sometime ago for the first time, before rereading it. I have not written this review until now despite my inner voice demanding this public response, because I wanted to sit with the book and its ideas before writing. This book deserves a broad audience and careful consideration. Maxwell is not afraid to give the reader lots to think about, but he respects the reader to come to their own conclusions about what is written. I have run across few books that are as vitally important for our future as individuals and as a species, as this one. I cannot recommend this book too highly. It contains both the spark and the fuel for the fire that you will discover if you are interested in our future, regardless of your previous notions and perspectives. This book presents a wonderful big picture view of where we are now and where we seem to be headed for the future.This book is not seeking to put forth any ideology or system of thought, but clearly lays out the powerful and perhaps archetypal forces that seem to be shaping us and our world. Maxwell makes this clear: “the emerging mode ultimately reconciles seemingly irreconcilable world views by discovering the inevitable partial truths in each side of any controversy.â€It will be for future historians and philosophers to write the story of our age, but we are given here an invaluable guide to our present situation. I think this process began some time ago and processes are ongoing with no punctuation, except those recognized in hindsight. We are wise to do what we can to try to understand as much as we can, knowing that the future will surprise us, regardless of how much we think we know. The Dynamics of Transformation is an excellent place to develop a context to understand, navigate and shape our present situation and what the future may bring. I am eager for our future and I look forward to having more guidance in arriving there. I think Maxwell has just begun to provide us with such guidance and this book is a great beginning. Don’t hesitate to plunge into The Dynamics of Transformation before our emergent future pulls you in.
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