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Product details
File Size: 282200 KB
Print Length: 608 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (November 19, 2014)
Publication Date: November 19, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#221,169 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I have to say I love this book. I'm a 59 year old, working physicist and never once understood how weather works - this answered all my basic questions. I bought it used originally, so I wasn't able to use the online videos and animations - so I'm buying it again new in order to do that. I've read several other of the "big name" books on such things, having to do with numerical climate modelling, weather and climate, etc., but this one takes an integrated approach, avoiding many complex equations, so you can see the entire forest and not get lost in all the equations of this complex subject. It does tell you when it's skipping over something - so it's a great intro as well as add-on to graduate-level texts.
An OK book attempting to balance between deeper science and accessibility to under graduates
The material in the book scanning through reminded me of high school biology textbooks except in an open form to place inside of a binder. The vocabulary words are bolded, not highlighted. Overall the content appears to be easy to understand which will be great as I transition to college. I look foreword to indulging in this book.
Just needed it for a class. Came as expected
Very informative
Was this book edited? There are so many errors — information on one page conflicts with info in a box on the next; the beginning of chapter two repeats a paragraph and fails to complete the next one. And I'm just beginning chapter two. There's clearly a problem — either the authors failed to review the proofs, or the editor fell asleep on the job.