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Product details
File Size: 6239 KB
Print Length: 240 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (October 28, 2004)
Publication Date: October 28, 2004
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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Matthew Restall's "Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest" is an illuminating introduction to the Conquest of the Americas. The value of Restall's book is that it provides a broad overview of the facts, circumstances and personalities of the Conquest while diving deeper into particular "myths" around which Restall organizes his book.Although he calls his chapters "myths," it isn't clear to me that these are myths in the sense that they are erroneous things that people think about when they think of the Spanish Conquest. A lot of the myths are things that we don't normally think about at all, albeit if pushed to take a position, we might adopt the "mythicist" position sketched by Restall. For example, not all conquistadors were white, some were Africans who transitioned from slave to successful conquistadors while enslaved. This is a fascinating bit of history, particularly fascinating in the idea that a person from a sub-Saharan African tribe could make his way successfully into a completely alien culture. Is there a myth that all Conquistadors were white? I suspect that the answer is that most people just haven't thought about the subject.What we get from Restall's book is that the Conquistadors, generally acting as entrepreneurial free companies with only the most limited backing of their sovereign, had perfected a technique of conquest, which basically involved descending on the next likely looking territory, enlisting native allies, capturing the native leader and massacring natives where necessary. The strategy worked like gang-busters, particularly when aided along by the introduction of European diseases that killed off 90% of the native population.To the natives, it must have looked like the end of the world.Restall explores this strategy by a series of chapters addressing his "myths." In chapter one, Restall points out that it was not a "handful of adventurers" that conquered the Americas. It was a handful of adventurers backed by huge numbers of native allies. In chapter two, Restall points out that the conquistadors were not armies of the King. They were usually scratch troops put together on the spot of whoever was feeling like making a fortune. In chapter three, Restall introduces the reader to the African slaves who made up a substantial portion of the Spanish forces. In chapter four, Restall explains the idea of the completion of the Conquest was overstated; there were free Mayan groups in the Yucatan into the Twentieth Century. Chapter five discusses the asymmetry of communication. The Spanish were fortunate to find native speakers who could communicate with the Spanish. Thus, Cortez spoke to a shipwrecked Spaniard who spoke a Mayan language, who in turn spoke to Malinche - the Aztec princess who became Cortez' mistress - who could speak to the Aztecs. The Aztecs and other natives did not have that kind of access to the intelligence that knowing the other's language provided. In chapter six, Restall disputes the myth that the Indians were totally and utterly destroyed by the Conquest. The seventh chapter discusses why there should be such mythic understandings of the Conquest, i.e., outmanned adventurers conquering mighty civilizations by sheer cultural superiority.This is a good book for those who are looking for an introduction to the subject. I read this book while listening to the Teaching Company lecture series on the Conquest of the Americas. I heartily recommend that combination as a way getting immersed in this important but often forgotten studied bit of history.
"Seven Myths" is one of the most important pieces of revisionist history with respect to how the Spanish pressed their conquest of those parts of the Americas that came under their influence. It challenges and gives nuance to the standard narrative at almost every turn. One must know that narrative, as told, for instance, by Hugh Thomas in Conquest, in order to appreciate the depth of research that went into the "Seven Myths" and the changes in perspective it demands of those desiring to understand how history changing was the encounter between Europe and the Americas. The bibliography is definitive up to the time of publication.
I like the way the book was written. It gives 7 myths and the truth of the conquest .
Good quality. Good price. Arrived quickly.
I understand
As a history major in college I have found this book intriguing in its perceptions of how we humans would like to view ourselves versus what actually dictates the perception of ourselves and reception of others culturally.As a person of mixed descent by result of the "Colombian exchange" I found the book to give more possibilities in the origins of American cultures and familial histories. It is surely a book to be taken into pondering
Excellent book!!!! I had to but this for my class turns out it really is not a bad book. If you love history this book is a must read for you.
A different approach to the history of the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Cortez. If the reader has studied the history as presented in other writing, this will give him/her a new angle to contemplate.